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Are You A Candidate?

Determining LASIK candidacy

Not everyone is a candidate for the LASIK procedure or laser vision correction. Everyone has extremely unique eyes. No two corneas are the same just like with a fingerprint or snowflake. This is why a pre-operative exam is absolutely necessary. Before LASIK is performed you will be required to undergo a series of diagnostic tests to determine the stability of your vision.

After a thorough evaluation of your cornea, the doctors will be able to determine if you are a candidate. This thorough diagnostic evaluation is the first step in creating a positive outcome for your best possible visual outcome or personal best vision. If you are seeking LASIK in Philadelphia, PA. or the southern New Jersey region please feel free to fill out our self-evaluation test listed below to get a better idea if LASIK or another type of laser vision correction would be a good option for you. We will have a qualified LASIK coordinator contact you as soon as we review your results.


What is your age:
  Your current vision correction prescription is for:
The severity of your prescription is:
Does your glasses or contacts prescription:

Do your glasses or contacts prevent you from enjoying every day living?

Yes  No

Do you feel very dependent upon your glasses or contacts?

Yes  No

Are you scared of the thought misplacing your glasses or contacts?

Yes  No

Does putting on and taking care of contact lenses seem like a hassle?

Yes  No

Are you happy with your appearance with glasses?

Yes  No

Does your image with glasses help define who you are?

Yes  No

Would you like to just wake up and see clearly?

Yes  No

Do your glasses or contacts interfere with your recreational activities?

Yes  No

Do you consider yourself intolerant to contact lens wear?

Yes  No

Would you only have LASIK if you could be assured of never needing glasses or contacts again?

Yes  No

If you become less dependent on glasses or contact, would your career or business activities improve?

Yes  No

If you wear contact lens, can you wear them comfortably every day for as long as you like?

Yes  No

If you are a contact lens wearer, do your lenses get dry and/or gritty during the day?

Yes  No